Give your children the benefits of Piano classes near Newport Beach

Teaching kids to play piano has been a popular ambition of parents ever since its invention. Teaching a musical skill is something that most parents hold dear, and there is now some scientific evidence that it is not only providing boasting credits at the next parent’s meeting, but can also benefit children. Not only has it been shown to raise self-esteem and improve sociability, but it can also help awkward children to concentrate and become more coordinated, a significant boost that most parents cannot ignore.

Piano makes you smarter

One study, which was conducted in Canada, followed the IQ points of children who studied piano. It was established that those who learned piano had 3 more IQ points than non-piano playing peers of similar academic ability. This effect, known as the Mozart Effect, has previously struggled for recognition, but it is now shown to be true. Moreover, it is only true for children who do piano or singing lessons. Kids who learned drama, for example, gained no increase. While their fellows gained only 4.3 IQ points on average, those who took lessons were able to gain a whole 7 IQ points during the same time frame.

Piano boost confidence

Studies have shown that kids who learn piano develop strong self-confidence, not only happy to show off new skills at recitals, but also gaining a new, positive attitude when faced with a difficult task. Most adults struggle to be confident in the face of difficulty, so it is very important for children to learn how to manage learning a new skill without being discouraged. The lessons of the piano have been shown to help students at school, including performing better at math and particularly in fractions and ratios.

Piano lessons help the body

At a young age, many children are still struggling to take control of their bodies. It is not rare for children to develop poor motor skills at this stage, something that can increase the change of injury and may make it harder for them to play sports, for example. Piano needs them to use both hands, working at a different pace, and doing different things. This can help to improve motor skills. In addition, the demands of the piano mean that children need to concentrate in order to produce rhythms and notes. It benefits them both creatively and analytically, helping them in school and in society.