Is Your Child Ready for Piano Lessons in Anaheim?

Is Your Child Ready for Piano Lessons in Anaheim?

Your child has shown a great love for music and an interest in playing the piano. You already have a piano in your home and would love it if your child kept up with their interest in playing. You have considered sending your child for lessons, but you have reservations about whether they are ready to take on lessons or not. Starting lessons can be a big step for your child and while many parents may be eager for their child to start lessons at a young age, not all children are ready for the commitment lessons can bring when they are young. There are factors you want to consider that can help you decide if your child is ready for piano lessons in Anaheim before you move forward.

Motor Skills Matter

Since there is no one set age that is best for a child to start learning to play the piano, there are some other signals that can be good indicators for you that your child may be ready. You want to be sure that your child has the motor skills needed to play the piano. A good indicator can be if they are able to hold a writing instrument correctly in their hands. The same skills needed to hold a pencil or crayon are similar to the skills needed to play the piano, so if your child can do this without a struggle, they may be ready for playing.

Attention Span

The attention span of your child is also important to see if they are ready for piano lessons in Anaheim. Instruction from a teacher is about thirty minutes a lesson, so you want to know that your child can sit and pay attention for this time frame without becoming easily distracted or fidgety. You do not want to spend the money on lessons for your child if they are not able to get the most out of the instruction and benefit from it.

Talking About Lessons

If you are interested in getting piano lessons in Anaheim for your child and are unsure if your child is ready, I, Dr. Doris Chiang, an experienced piano instructor, and pianist, will be glad to speak with you and meet with you and your child to discuss lessons. I have vast experience teaching children of all ages and all skill levels, and I can help you determine if now is the best time for your child to start lessons. To find out more about me or to arrange for an interview, please feel free to give me a call at 562-537-7548.