Doris Chiang in Structuring a Good Practice Piano Session

Practice Piano Session

Structuring a good practice Piano session is vital to help you succeed in playing and mastering the piano. Doris Chiang recommends having a structure in place when you practice.

When to Practice?

You can choose the days in the week that you will practice Piano session. Most students of Doris Chiang find that it is easier for them to have structure when they practice on the same days every week.

But no matter how you practice, you will need to have an approach and schedule your practice sessions. Without a plan, you will always put off your practice tomorrow.

If you are not sure how to schedule your practice session, consider picking the same day/s per week to train. It also makes sense to pick the same time every day to practice. This pattern can be helpful so you can stick to your regular schedule.
Practice  Piano Session

Start with a Warm-Up

Just like working out, you need to warm up first. In piano lessons, a five-minute warm-up requires learning the scales, arpeggios, etc.

Exercise to Have Flexible Wrist

Practicing piano requires that you exercise regularly so you can have a flexible wrist. One of the most common injuries among pianists is a wrist injury.

At any time, your wrist must be in motion. It must not be locked in one position. Doing so will help you get rich tones when playing slow tempo pieces. It allows light touch to be a lot easier when doing fast tempo pieces.

Achieve Finger Independence

Doris Chiang will talk more about it during your piano lesson. This exercise is vital to assist you in controlling your finger. As you have better control of your finger, you can produce tones evenly.

It is especially true if you play fast passages. Performing finger independence exercise allows your fingers to have the same sound quality.

This exercise is vital in training your fourth and fifth fingers in being more independent. Because it can strain your muscles, you should only perform this exercise within a short period of time.

Set a Goal

To have an effective schedule, you must set your weekly goal that is attainable. Do not make a goal that is impossible to achieve.

Consider your other tasks first. Your schedule has to be doable every week. In other words, when you pick the time and day of practice, make sure that you can complete your daily tasks in those times and days. Having a realistic schedule will allow you to achieve your tasks completely.

Remember that piano playing relies on muscle memory. With frequent repetition, you will surely have fast progress. You can adjust the amount of time you have depending on how you did in the past week.

Attend Piano Lessons

It is useless to practice if you do not attend the piano lessons. Without the piano lessons of Doris Chiang, you will never improve and advance your skills. The piano lessons of Doris offer instructions in a creative environment that let you develop into a certified musician.

To inquire about the private piano lessons of Doris Chiang, please call (562) 537-7548.